
Thank You For Watching

A big THANK YOU to everyone who watched the broadcast of the Boris and Nicole Show with Zendaya yesterday. Also, a big thank you to everyone who watched with me on Periscope. It was fun to share the LIVE moment with people from all over the world in that manner. If you'd like to see the Periscope broadcast you can see it on my Facebook page.

After the show, I did a presentation with 300 photographers from around the country. I thought the presentation would take an hour, but by the time the Q & A session ended it was closer to three hours. I thoroughly enjoyed every second and being able to share so much with so many.

The brand new podcast is now days away from launching and last night's presentation made me more confident that an audience is hungry for the information I have to share. A few months ago, when I decided to launch the podcast, I set a date of August 3rd, the first Monday in August to launch. I hope I can hit my goal, but stay tuned to find out.

Always dream big!