Yesterday, I was contacted via text message by a woman who said her name was "Clara Roberts." She wanted to hire me to photograph an assignment and asked in her initial text message if I accept credit cards. 

I asked her to email all the details of the assignment before speaking about my rate, because the assignment was to photograph a family reunion. Something I have never been asked to do in 28 years as a commercial photographer. Still, I have received odd requests over the years and thought it must be a private family or celebrity wanting something special.

In her email, the only details she provided was that the family reunion was in New York. When I replied that I was  based in Los Angeles she replied "the reunion is there too." Her next email asked me to do her a "favor" and  add the event planner's fee to my fee. She wanted to pay a substantial deposit right away, but all my red flags were up and I just stopped all communication.

Beware of anyone who contacts you and wants to pay you large amounts of money, via credit card, without giving you any details about themselves or the assignment. All scams work off greed for money. Don't let the idea of riches blind you from seeing the truth.  Like Al Pacino said in Heat, "if there is any doubt, there is no doubt."

Always dream big...and be careful




Meter, Meter Light Reader

I have always been a fan of using a light meter to measure the light before taking a picture. For me, the light meter is a necessity to get the best exposure.

One thing you learn by using a light meter is how to really interpret the light because meters don't think, they only react. If I'm shooting an Asian model and the meter says F 16, and I later photograph an African-American subject and the meter says F 16, I know I need to adjust how I interpret the reading. I can't shoot both subject the same. The meter is giving me the correct reading, but it's giving me only an average reading.

For the image of Iman and the model, I would shoot at F 13, or 1/3 leas than F 16. For the asian model I may shoot at F 16. There are really no fast rules but one things for sure, you learn how to see light and how to adjust by using a light meter.


Alwaus dream big

Thank You For Watching

A big THANK YOU to everyone who watched the broadcast of the Boris and Nicole Show with Zendaya yesterday. Also, a big thank you to everyone who watched with me on Periscope. It was fun to share the LIVE moment with people from all over the world in that manner. If you'd like to see the Periscope broadcast you can see it on my Facebook page.

After the show, I did a presentation with 300 photographers from around the country. I thought the presentation would take an hour, but by the time the Q & A session ended it was closer to three hours. I thoroughly enjoyed every second and being able to share so much with so many.

The brand new podcast is now days away from launching and last night's presentation made me more confident that an audience is hungry for the information I have to share. A few months ago, when I decided to launch the podcast, I set a date of August 3rd, the first Monday in August to launch. I hope I can hit my goal, but stay tuned to find out.

Always dream big!



Zendaya's Top 5 Social Media Tips

Today you can watch Zendaya on the Boris & Nicole Show as she gives her top 5 social media tips of the day.  Zendaya also talks about writing the foreword for Future American President, and her new Disney show, KC Undercover. This is the first major press for Future American President leading up to the big launch on September 12th. with a celebrity book party hosted by Angela Bassett.

Zendaya as seen in Future American President

Zendaya as seen in Future American President

The show invited me down as a VIP guest along with 20 kids who were surprised as Zendaya dropped in backstage to hug each of them and pose for photo's. It was great to see the kids expressions and hear their comments after getting to see her in person and watch the show.

Afterwards, I hung out backstage with Boris, Nicole and  comedian Chris Spencer. We talked about the launch event, Japan, relationships and more. Before leaving Chris expressed how he wanted Future American President for his kids and I told him I'd keep him informed on the launch date for the special edition version of the book. 

I watched the taping of two other celebrity segments of the show and was surprised to see Loretta Devine and Holly Robinson Peete. Both women are included in my first book, Sepia Dreams and I enjoyed seeing them again.

Loretta Devine

Loretta Devine

Holly Robinson Peete

Holly Robinson Peete

As I left Hollywood and tried to navigate my drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic, I thought about the show and wished I could have brought my Nikon 810 camera out with me. TV shows hate camera's, cell phones and other recording devices so they are banned from the set.

Have a great Tuesday and always dream big!


TALK SHOW - What Your Kids Will Learn

In a moment, FUTURE AMERICAN PRESIDENT will receive its first major press. We are moments away from doing our first talk show speaking about the book. Three celebrities associated with the book are the feature of today's show, and I, am a VIP guest in the audience. 

There are several educational elements in Future American President, and I hope we get to speak about them today. As a visual person, I wanted to make sure the book was able to teach children about America, past presidents, and iconic people from each state.

To do this, instead of a traditional table of contents, we sequenced the book in the order that each state became part of the Union. Children can look at the timeline and learn the year each state became part of the United States. 

There is also a FUTURE AMERICAN PRESIDENT map. By viewing the books map, children will be able to learn the birth state of the current president and each past president. They will also be able to quickly see which states have never given birth to a president. As a bonus, each president's name is accompanied by the years they served in office, making the book a great reference tool for kids. 

Throughout the book, children will be able to learn as they turn the pages and read about their peers in every state, but as they look at each state they will also learn about great American's born in each state. For example, in Missouri, children can learn about Misty Copeland, Walker Evens and Al Hirschfeld, who were all born in Missouri.

The only thing that could make this book better is if you were able to include YOUR child in the book. Well, on September 15th you will have that chance. Starting at 9:00 a.m. on September 15th, and running for only 30 days, you will be able to order a special edition version of the book featuring your child on the front and back cover.

To have your email added to the list for updates regarding the special edition book and to receive a FREE video tutorial on photographic lighting click the link below.

Always dream big

What's Inside The Bag?

It seems everyone is curious to know what camera gear professional photographer's use to create their images. A few weeks ago, a potential client sent an email to see if I would be interested in working with their company. The potential client had visited my website but said "can you tell me the type of camera and lighting equipment you use?" She wanted to make sure I had the "proper equipment" to take portraits.

The question made me think of a friend, who is not a photographer and had never used a camera before. He'd purchased a high-end camera along with Adobe photoshop and wanted to take pictures the next day for his company. The next week he called to say, "something must be wrong with my camera. I purchased an expensive camera and two lenses, but the pictures came out terrible." I smiled and said, the camera doesn't make a great picture, the photographer does. When you go to a restaurant, do you ask the chef what type of pots he uses to make sure the food will taste great?"

Great pictures come from trained photographers who take the time to learn how to master the tools of the trade so they can create stunning images. Each professional photographer uses the best gear possible, to create their images, but  the magic comes only when you learn how to use the gear.

So what's in my camera bag?

Nikon 810 camera

Nikon D4s

Nikkor 85mm 1.4 lens

Nikkor 58mm 1.4 lens

Nikkor 35mm  1.4 lens

Nikkor 24mm 1.4 lens

3- pocket wizards remotes

Sekonic L758dr light meter

Profoto B1 strobe

Profoto air remote

X-rite Color Checker

Macbook air computer 


Macbook air presentation dongle connector

two batteries for Profoto B1 strobe

2 - mini silver/white reflectors

handheld fan

mini iPad loaded with MYLIO software

Tokyo subway map

Map of Tokyo, Japan

Air blower for lenses and camera body

Business card with English on one side and Japanese on the other

Black-out eye mask for the airplane

2 - 3 prong to 2 prong adapters

Old mini iPod (yes I still use one sometimes)

2 - 8 gig pen/memory sticks

remote LAV and receiver

Small mirror with black gaffer tape (special lighting tool)

Japanese facial paper

Collapsible travel chopsticks



Always dream big!



First TV Press!

Yesterday I was surprised by a late email at the end of the business day. A producer emailed me to say, my friend, Zendaya was doing a talk show on Monday morning and the show wanted 120 Future American Presidents books to give away to the live audience. Zendaya wrote my books foreword, and is one of today's biggest stars.

The Zendaya Foreword in Future American President

The Zendaya Foreword in Future American President


I was surprised  because the time was 4:55 p.m. and I felt it was an impossible request, even if I reached  my publisher. The show wanted the books by Monday morning at 8:00 a.m. which made it even more of a challenge. 

The Zendaya Foreword in Future American President

The Zendaya Foreword in Future American President

After multiple emails back and forth, the show decided to nix the giveaway idea and just focus on promoting the book in other ways. I sent the requested information and the show asked me to come down and be a VIP guest in the audience for Monday's show.

I hope to share a LIVE Periscope broadcast from behind the stage on Monday, along with an interview with Zendaya after the show. To see all the behind the scenes video follow me on Periscope @Matthew_JordanS. Once I have the air date for the show, I will announce the name of the show.

If you're unfamiliar with Periscope, it's a way to broadcast LIVE video from your smartphone. Periscope is owned by Twitter and connects to your twitter account once you have the Periscope app downloaded on your phone.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Periscope this Monday morning at 10:00 a.m.!

Always Dream Big

The Making Of An Image

Very few people know what goes into taking an idea and turning it into a photograph.

I had the idea for this image months before it actually came to life. This photograph was created in Colorado at the end of a very long road trip. I flew from Los Angeles to Colorado and rented a Prius, then drove to Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah, and then back to Colorado. Along the way I  meet families in each state, photographed the children, and asked each child what they would do in the future if elected as president of the United States.

When I arrived at the campground in Colorado I met a family and spoke with them about the project. They were camped out at the perfect location right by the river. Once they agreed to be in the book, I started setting up my Profoto light and began taking light meter readings to find out what the ambient light read, and then adjusted my strobe light to read a one stop more.

When reading the ambient light for this image I needed to know the bright sun reading and not the shadow reading where my subject would stand. I metered the sunlight then adjusted my strobe light to read above the sun reading. To further explain this, Let's say the area where the trees in the background and river are is reading F 16 @ 1/125, but the shadow area is reading F 5.6. How would I expose this image?

I wouldn't care about the ambient reading in the shadow area. I need to know the light reading in the background. I dialed my strobe to read F 16.7 to F.22.0, This would make a proper exposure on my subject but keep the background from blowing out.

Bright sun reading: F 16.0 @ 1/125

Strobe reading: F 16.7 @ !/125

Shot: F 16.7 @ 1/125th


Driving this part of the country is incredibly beautiful, especially Montana and Wyoming, but you must constantly be on the lookout for deer. There were a few close calls with deer and countless times when I observed the remains of deer on the side of the road. At the end of this trip I made the decision to stop driving at night and to be extra careful on the highways.

Always dream big!

I'd Like To Tell You A Story

It was a day like any other day in Omaha, Nebraska. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and seven-year-old Brayden, and his five-year-old brother Kaegan, were enjoying the start of a beautiful summer day. The redhead brothers were excited because their mother was taking them to Gateway To The Wild at the Henry Doorly Zoo, which is considered one of the world's best.

Both brothers dressed in a plaid button down shirt, shorts and sneakers. Brayden’s sneakers were a bright green color while Kaegan’s had a mix of black and green. Both brothers were ready for this special day and made sure to bring their sunglasses, because today, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

The zoo parking lot was packed and finding an empty spot took some time, but their mother found an open space and after she parked the boys rushed out of the car toward the zoo. As the family started walking toward the zoo entrance a tall, bald, African-American man approached their mother and asked her a simple question; "Do you think your son's have the ability to become the president one day?" The man carried an Ipad filled with images of other children from around the county who parents were asked the same question. As he spoke he showed her the pictures and explained that he was traveling to every state in America with the goal of photographing 100 kids and asking them what they would do in the future as the president of the United States. The boys had no idea at first what the conversation was about, but the mother knew right away this was important and asked her two boys if they wanted to be a part of the project the man spoke of.

At first, Brayden, who was very excited to enter the zoo, was hesitant, but his mother pulled him to the side and explained how this was something that could have a huge impact on both he and his brother’s life. Moment’s later, Brayden and Kaegan were being introduced to Matthew Jordan Smith, the man with the ipad who is the creator of the Future American President project. Matthew explained the project and ask them to think what they would do in the future, 50 years from now if they become the president of the United States.

While the brothers thought about the question Matthew prepared to photograph them and promised it would only take three to five minutes to complete. Both brothers wanted to wear their cool sunglasses, but the photograph would be stronger without them. Sensing that both brothers loved wearing their sunglasses, Matthew asked them to take their sunglasses off and hang them inside the collar of their shirts. He gave them a sign to hold which read, “Nebraska, Possibilities …Endless – Future President.”


The brothers had great smiles and in no time at all, Matthew had great photographs. After the photo session, both brother thought hard about the presidential question and decided to collaborate on their answer. They stood together and wrote their statement as mom looked on. Afterwards, Matthew thanked the family and wished them well as they left to enjoy a day at the zoo.


Brayden and Kaegan are like many children growing up today in Nebraska and like Warren Buffet, Fred Astaire, and other great Nebraskans, they have someone who believes they have the ability to do great things in life. If you'd like to learn how your child can be inspired through this book sign up with your email address below.  For joining us you'll receive a FREE PDF with 5 secrets to taking great children's pictures.

Always Dream Big

FREE Video On Photographic Lighting

In a few weeks, my new podcast will launch dedicated to inspiring the nation to dream big. To celebrate, I am giving away a FREE video to help inspire photographers. The FREE video is filled with powerful information that will help you become a better photographer while sharing information about photographic lighting.

To receive the video, simply click the link below and subscribe with your email address.



Always drream big!

Big Giveaway This Monday

This Monday I will give away a FREE video on photographic lighting. Whenever I speak or give a workshop, it seems the majority of questions asked are related to lighting, so I've decided to share as much information as possible to help others become better photographers.

Starting Monday, I will share a FREE video that shows tens ways to use one light source. To receive the video just sign in with your email and you'll receive the video.

Have a great weekend!


Always dream big!

Proud Nevada

The expression on this little boys face in Nevada speaks volumes. He was the 2nd child photographed for the Future American President project.  

When I approached his family and told them about the project they understood right away how important the project is and what  it could mean for him. They  surrounded him with support as he thought about what he'd do as president and it was wonderful for me to see this first reaction to the project.

Being included in the book is special indeed but now every child will have the chance to be included in the book, by having their image become the cover of the book for the Special Edition version of the book. To receive emails telling you when they will be available and to receive a FREE pdf with tips on how to take better children's pictures, sign up below.

Imagine how happy your child would be with their very own copy of Future American President with their image on the books cover!

Stay tuned for more details soon!


Always Dream Big

FREE PDF: 5 Secrets To Creating Powerful Children's Pictures

I am known for creating portraits of celebrities, but in many ways, working with celebrities has trained me to photograph children.  In my current personal project, Future American President, I photographed 100 children throughout America and I discovered many of the secrets to getting great images of famous celebrities also applies to photographing children. In both cases, you must get the image quickly or you lose them forever.

Today I'd like to offer a FREE pdf filled with images and helpful information to help you become a better photographer. Over the next two months I will give away video's, pdf's, instructional documents and more to help you achieve your goals to become a better photographer. To receive today's FREE pdf, click the link below.

Always Dream Big

Not In Kansas Anymore!

The day I arrived in  Topeka, Kansas it was extremely hot and the threat of a tornado was in the air. Before I arrived, the local Boys and GIrls Clubs of American had set up a child for me as my subject to photograph for Kansas.

The local club selected a little boy to represent Kansas, and I had the chance to met his mother and his sister. The mother had to leave for work, but the sister acted as his cheerleader during the interview and photo shoot.

Finding a location to take the photographs was difficult. I couldn't take the children away from the club, so I had to search for a location on  the grounds. The surrounding areas didn't offer much in terms of a great background, but I liked the statements painted on the buses outside. I decide the driveway would make the best location for the shoot, even though the temperture was almost 100 degrees.

As I started photographing my subject, I was impressed with his sister. She was only a year older but was clearly in charge and kept telling her brother to stand up straight and to smile. Then I overheard her saying her brother always gets selected for everything and thought, well maybe it is time to change that. I decided to ask her to join in the photo shoot and her smile exploded across her face. 

As I left the Boys and Girls Club of America I was happy I made the decision to include the sister with her brother. Her confidence and energy is exceptional and I know she will grow up to accomplish great things in her life. The great thing about photography is that it has the power to change a person life and how they see themselves. I know the simple act of having the sister included in Future American President will have a strong impact on her life. 

In less than two months, we will give every parent in America the ability to empower their children by offering special edition versions of Future American President. With the special edition, you will be able to send a picture and make a book featuring your child on the cover.

To receive an email alert with information about the special editions books and when they are available sigh up below. By signing up you will also receive  a FREE PDF with tips on how to take better pictures of your children. Who knows, maybe your child will grow up to become a future American president.

Always Dream Big

Imagine How Your Child Would Feel...

Imagine how your child would feel to have their picture on the cover of a hardcover, book with 99 of their peers? Image if that book could educate and inspire them to dream of endless possibilities?

In less than 60 days you will have the opportunity to join Angela Bassett, Zendaya and others in having a special edition Future American President book.

Details coming all this week!

Special Edition in Tokyo-07966.jpg

To receive an email to alert you when the special Edition book launch, and to receive our FREE pdf on how to take better children's pictures click the FREE PDF button below.

Always dream big!

Health First

A good friend always tells me, "health first, then family, and then money." While I was on the road for Future American President I wasn't putting my health first at all. I put on a lot of weight, and kept pushing hard for work. Traveling in a car and driving from state to state and eating all the delicious food found in America just isn't a good combination for a healthy lifestyle.

The last year of travel for the Future American President project started off in New Orleans, and my diet went downhill from that point on. I thought all the walking and moving around with heavy gear would be enough to keep me from gaining any weight, but I was wrong.

My first assignment after completing the travel portion of the book, was a job for a health and fitness program. On the photo shoot I met the nutritionist and trainer who trains professional bodybuilders for competition. I learned that when it comes to getting in shapre, the diet is the most important part, not just the time in the gym. From that point on, I've been on a quest to get  in shape and make eating healthy and working out a daily part of my life. The funny thing is now I eat more food than I've ever had in my life and I train hard. My trainer likes to say, "we don't diet and exercise, we eat and train."

Having life goals is wonderful and learning to become a better photographer is great as well, but you only have one body so treat it right and join me on the quest to get in shape and live life to the fullest.


Always Dream Big